Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Ch 16- Advertising, Public Relationsand Sales promotion

Mac cosmetics is a well known makeup company is many parts of the world. Mac cosmetics uses basic advertising methods to promote and ensure sales of there products. Mac's most common advertising method is photo ads. These ads are plastered in the front glass of every Mac store and smaller versions of the same photos are up in front if Mac stations in department stores such as Bloomingdales, Macy's, and Saks Fifth Ave. Another common advertising method Mac uses are there products itself. Mac has a huge line of products that are permanently for sale which means people continuously but them all year round. I myself have a set of Mac products that I repurchase frequently. Because on both the website and in stores Mac had many new products advertised the fact that people regularly enter the store or the website boost sales of the new products. Since I have been a consumer of Mac cosmetics there has not been a single time where I have entered the website or store and they haven't been advertising the newest products. Mac also uses Magazine spreads and also celebrities to advertise there makeup products.

Publicly Mac cosmetics is viewed as a very great company for various reasons. Mac products are reasonably priced for the quality of the products. Mac products are not tested on animals which is a big thing for people these days. Mac also recycles the plastic casing there products come in. In addition to recycling they give free products for the customers who do participate in recycling which is really great. Mac cosmetics biggest reason for being publicly viewed positivity is there donations to HIV/Aids foundation from the sales of there Viva glam collection.

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